Sunday, June 2, 2013

Kyle's French Culture Post

The first thing I noticed in Paris is the abundance of cars and how much less bike friendly the city is in general. After being in Amsterdam where nearly every thing that could be used to lock a bike to had at least 5 locked to it. Here in Paris there is actually some room to sit on the railing. Along these same lines while there are bike paths here they are much less utilized and don't really meld into the roads nearly as well. Overall this gives the city a much different feel and also makes traveling via bike around the city harder. They compensate by this by having their tram system that runs pretty much everywhere in the city.


  1. yea, you can definately tell that travel via bike is not as popular here. I bet their rail system services alot more people per day than the Ansterdan trams do though.

  2. I wonder if the lack of biking creates a sub par biking lanes, or if the sub par biking lanes create a lack of biking? Also, I've noticed a lot more runners. Perhaps they just enjoy a type of transportation/exercise much different than the Netherlands.
