Saturday, June 1, 2013

Public transportation - Marissa

This is Marissa:

All the countries we have been to have all seemed to have had a big emphasis on public transportation. The Netherlands seemed to embrace this lifestyle the most with tons of bikes, bike paths, trams, trains, etc. Belgium still utilized bike paths and trams but not nearly as much. Finally, France seems to have the least focus on public transport with only a lifestyle emphasis on the metro. All in all, the focus all of these countries have placed on public transportation, however small or large, is quite remarkable and different from the U.S. norm.


  1. This was a very cool thing for me to see as well! I like how simply the countries have made their systems and how clean they are compared to ours. It would be very cool to have more public transportation in the US.

  2. I have also noticed the decrease in the use of public transportation as we have progressed along on our trip. I really loved the bikes i Leiden and I like to think that I will use mine more now once I get home.

  3. My favorite public transport by far is still the trams in Amsterdam. You are able to ride from point to point while being able to see the city and shops and stuff.

  4. It's nice that the public transport extended beyond moving around within cities with the trains that allow for going between villages and cities easily.

  5. I have also noticed this change in transportation. While I liked the tram in the Netherlands, I think the Metro in Paris is easier to use though. The routes are set and don't change, stop by more often, and are easier to get around in. Although I did like the lack of stairs in the Netherlands...
