Saturday, June 1, 2013

saturday 1st(this is Ryan Leahy,Account stopped working)

the pantheon was a very interesting and visually stunning. the basement was very interesting because of the tombs of deceased intilectuials and military leaders. i really enjoyed the massive colums throughout, and the ungodly large paintings. the paintings were my favorite part.


  1. I wish I had more time to look around at the paintings upstairs. I lost track of time looking at everyone who was buried underground. It was also interesting that the Curie's were encased in lead.

  2. I was also so impressed by the sheer size of this building! I loved the artwork and the columns as well. It was very cool to see the tombs of all of the famous French intellectuals and was humbling to see how many there were. Such a cool experience!

  3. This is Marissa:

    I enjoyed the columns too. Just the crafstmanship that went into all of the detail for the columns, ceilings and floors was awe inspiring. I think it would be cool to learn how much it cost to build in reference to todays monetary standards.
