Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Liz's Waffle Experiences: #1

I will be reporting on all the waffles I eat while in Belgium. This waffle, #1, was actually eaten in Rotterdam, Netherlands. I thought I'd begin with a non-Belgium waffle, to see if I could notice a difference later.

This waffle has milk chocolate, strawberries, and whipped cream. I bought it at a place called "Coffee and Sweets" on Coolsingel in Rotterdam. It came with a cute little fork that had a serrated edge on the side, so you could also use it as a knife. It was a little tough tasting at first, I thought, but then I got into it. I think the whipped cream helped with the consistency.  The chocolate and cream combo was better than the chocolate and strawberries combo. Also, the milk chocolate itself was DELICIOUS.